Wrath of Con 2: Into the the Dorkness Exceeds Expectations!
Dad's Garage Theater Company Premieres the Godfather II of Convention-Themed Plays The sequel to 2012's Wrath of Con blends comedy with raw emotion to recast the story of convention goers as a tale of generational shift and succeeds on every level. Photo ...
Wrath of Con 2: Into the Dorkness Opens at Dad’s Garage
After the Success of the Wrath of Con Revival This Summer, The Gang Returns to The Convention Scene With A Sequel In 2019.
Scott Adsit: At home at Dad’s Garage
Frequently Dad’s Garage Theater Company welcomes visiting performers, and this weekend they welcomed Scott Adsit. Many people know Adsit from his work on 30 Rock as Pete Hornberger, his role as Baymax in Big Hero 6, his Adult Swim Shows Moral Orel and Fra ...
Interview: Written in Water- Scott Adsit on the Nature of Life Performing Livedan
Arguably the leading Improv Theater in Atlanta, Dad’s Garage is hosting beloved comedian and actor Scott Adsit on August 9/10 for a special round of Improv. Scott Adsit is a versatile and proven entertainer, from his time as Pete on 30 Rock to his Adult S ...