Six years have passed since legendary death metal band Obituary released its self-titled tenth record. The band’s newest release, Dying Of Everything, is replete with Obituary’s swampy riffs and John Tardy’s guttural vocals. Unfortunately, the album falters a bit as Tardy and crew are complacent on a few tracks. “Barely Alive” is a blistering open track with Don Tardy’s working overtime on his double bass drum. Guitarists Kenny Andrews and Trevor Peres dish out some punishing riffs with a sweet solo for good measure. This is the Obituary we know and love.
“The Wrong Time” is the next track and is the initial single off the album. This is one of the weaker songs on Dying Of Everything, and I am confused why the band chose it as a single. It has a swinging riff interspersed with a slow grooving bridge, but it is naff compared to the album’s other tracks. The next song, “Without A Conscience” is a stronger track than “The Wrong Time” with its stomping groove, particularly the menacing riff during the track’s midsection. Unfortunately, the album loses steam on the mediocre “War,” as the riffs are a somewhat uninspired. However, Obituary returns to form on the title track, arguably the best track on the album. Its unrelenting speed and rhythm changes recalls vintage Obituary. “By The Dawn” is noteworthy for its galloping riffs and dual guitar leads.
The penultimate track “Torn Apart” is a short, dynamic track with militaristic drumming and staccato riffing. Album closer “Be Warned” flirts with doom metal, maybe hinting at Obituary’s future musical direction.
Dying For Everything exceeds the previous album. The writing is more focused and when Obituary is on, it cannot be topped. However, the album drags in a few places which is disappointing coming from the band that released Slowly We Rot and Cause Of Death. The production is fine and Tardy has not lost his bite after 39 years.
Obituary fans will certainly enjoy Dying of Everything. This album shows the band heading in the right direction. Sure, there are missteps here and there, but it is a fairly cohesive record. Here is hoping the next album comes out sooner.
Check out the band’s website for news, tour dates and merch: https://www.obituary.cc/