Mercutio, Heath Gill, shares a dance with a Capulet, Abigail Tan-Gamino.There is never a dull moment in the streets when the Capulets meet the Montagues.Street fights are the norm for Capulets and Montagues.Rachel Van Buskirk is outstanding as Juliette’s nurse.Alessa Rogers captures the essence of Juliette in her praiseworthy performance.Juliette and her nurse cannot escape Lady Capulet, Christine Winkler, who bears the news of Count Paris’ proposal.The ball is in full swing in the Capulet’s palace.Lady Capulet dances with Count Paris, Thom Panto.A startled Juliette meets Count Paris.The many belles of the ball.Tybalt, Jonah Hooper, shares a dance with Lady Capulet.More masked Capulet revelers.Juliette retreats to her balcony.Roméo, Christian Clark, reaches out for Juliette’s attention.Roméo catches his beloved Juliette.The young lovers embrace.The passion of a first kiss.Boys will be boys … Mercutio has a ‘nursing’ moment..Friar Laurence, John Welker, performs the ceremony as Juliette’s nurse and the acolytes, Alexandre Barros and Miguel Angel Montoya witness the marriage.Capulets and Montagues fight in the street.Even the women take part in the rumble.The fighting becomes explosive.Mercutio is killed in the riot.Tybalt is also killed.Before fleeing to Mantua, Roméo embraces Juliette.The lovers say goodbye.Juliette’s nurse quickly assists her as Lady Capulet approaches.Friar Laurence gives Juliette a potion to drink that will lead to simulated death. Once buried, she will escape and join Roméo.The Friar fails to get the message to Roméo, who, crazed by sorrow, kills himself.Juliette wakes up and painfully realizes what has happened.Juliette decides to join Roméo in eternal love. Atlanta Ballet’s performance of Jean-Christophe Maillot’s Roméo et Juliette can be seen February 7-15, 2014. For details and ticketing information, visit